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Memory & Dementia Navigator Service: NLFT
IslingtonProvided By
The North London NHS Foundation Trust (NLFT, a merger of BEH and CANDI) Islington Memory & Dementia Navigator Service is a specialist service for Islington residents living with dementia and their carers.
It provides assessment, diagnosis and treatment for people experiencing symptoms associated with dementia. Those diagnosed with dementia will remain under the care of the service for the duration of their journey, and will receive post-diagnostic support on a regular basis. This includes evidence-based interventions, advice and signposting.
Every patient with a dementia diagnosis will have an allocated worker, and patients may be seen by different members of the multi-disciplinary team (nurses, navigators, psychologist or psychiatrist) based on their needs.
The service has been aligned with the borough primary care networks.
Eligibility Criteria
- Islington residents aged 65+
- Islington residents aged <65 only if they have severe and enduring mental health problems and/or substance misuse problems
- formal diagnosis of dementia
- lives at home.
- care home residents should be seen by the trust's Care Home Liaison Service
- those aged <65 with no history of substance misuse or severe and enduring mental illness should be referred to the Cognitive Disorders Clinic at Queens Square.
How to Refer
Referral methods: Email
Send a referral letter via post or email to nlft.islingtonmemoryservice@nhs.net
Please include details of:
- recent blood results
- description of symptoms associated with dementia
- relevant mental and physical health history
- any recent brain scans (CT or MRI)
- whether the patient has been referred to (or is under the care of) neurology.
Islington Memory & Dementia Navigator Service
Service Feedback
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Review date: Wednesday, 16 July 2025