Integrated Learning Disability Service


The Enfield Integrated Learning Disability Service supports adult Enfield residents who have a primary diagnosis of a learning disability and are Care Act eligible.

The integrated team consists of:

  • psychiatry
  • psychology (including positive behaviour support specialists)
  • community learning disability nursing
  • occupational therapy
  • social work
  • equal employment services
  • art therapy
  • speech and language therapy for communication and dysphagia
  • physiotherapy
  • person-centred planners
  • in-house day services
  • outreach support workers
  • community intervention service (to prevent breakdown in the community and avoid hospital admission for mental health related issues).

Eligibility Criteria


  • aged 18+ with a diagnosis of a learning disability and meets the criteria of the Care Act for care and support needs
  • those with a learning disability who receive their care and support under Continuing Healthcare (CHC)
  • registered with an Enfield GP.


  • those without a primary diagnosis of learning disability; learning disability does not include learning difficulties such as dyslexia, ADHD, etc.

How to Refer

EMIS form

Referral methods: Email

Complete the CRT Referral – Integrated Learning Disability Service – Enfield and send to

Where to find the form

  • Enfield: ENF Global Documents > Learning Disability

Self-referral Download Form

Patients and family members of patients can self-refer by filling out the Integrated Learning Disabilities Service Referral Form and sending it to


Enfield Integrated Learning Disability Service

Service Feedback


Review date: Friday, 07 March 2025