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District Nursing
EnfieldProvided By

The Enfield District Nursing team provides a broad range of nursing services, working closely with multidisciplinary teams in the primary, secondary, community and social care systems.
The team provides:
- holistic assessments (including telephone assessments)
- scheduled and unscheduled care
- case management
- treatment and symptom management for acute conditions
- palliative care and end-of-life care
- wound care management
- pressure area care, including assessment for equipment and manual handling requirements
- medicines management, including chemotherapy, Hickman and PCC lines following individual patient assessment and including the teaching of patients and carers
- management and education of appropriate specialist feeding regimes
- continence services, including assessment, management and advice to those with indwelling catheters
- health education and health promotion advice.
Patients will be continually assessed and may be referred onto other agencies, such as their local practice nurse as their condition improves.
Opening hours for the District Nursing service are as follows:
- District Nursing Service: 24/7
- Core Service: 8am-4.30pm
- Late Shift: 2-10.30pm
- Night Shift: 10pm-8am.
Eligibility Criteria
- resident of Enfield, or registered with an Enfield GP, and aged 16+.
How to Refer
Out of Hours
Out of hours (4.30pm-8am) telephone call handling for the District Nursing Service from Monday to Friday and on weekends and bank holidays is provided by St Ann’s Hospital.
EMIS form
Referral methods: Email
Complete the District Nurse Service Referral - NCL form and send to northmid.ecsadultsinglepointofaccess@nhs.net
Once the referral has been received, it will be screened by non-clinical administrators with no changes to clinical response times.
Where to find the form
- Enfield: ENF Global Documents > District Nurses folder
Eastern Enfield Team
Evergreen Team
Forest Team
North Southgate Team
Rowan Team
South Southgate Team
Service Feedback
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Review date: Saturday, 07 March 2026