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Diabetes Care Navigation Service
HaringeyProvided By
The service provides holistic support for diabetes patients in Haringey and mainly works with proactive referrals. A search has been created on EMIS that will pull a list of patients for care coordinators to work on. A quarterly refresh of the list ensures any newly coded patients are picked up.
However, the service will still accept organic referrals from primary and secondary care staff, VCSOs, and is open to self-referrals if the inclusion criteria is met.
Eligibility Criteria
Residents of Haringey aged >18 who have:
- type 1 or type 2 diabetes
- a previous or recent HbA1C of >70
- had a check and test/review in the past year and are high risk
- not had a check and test/review in the past year and are medium-to-low risk
- children <18
How to Refer
EMIS form
Referral methods: Email
Complete the Pan-Haringey Diabetes Care Navigation Service Referral Form - Haringey GP Federation and email to haringey.carenavigator@nhs.net. Referrals will be processed within five days.
Where to find the form
- HAR Global Documents > Diabetes
The service’s main stream of work is:
- Proactive referrals: A search has been created on EMIS that will pull a list of patients for the care coordinators to work on, this list will be pulled on a quarterly basis to ensure any newly coded patients be picked up as well.
However, the service will still accept the following:
- Organic referrals (received from networking/outreach events/incoming referrals): The service accepts referrals from primary and secondary care staff, VCSOs, and is open to self-referrals if the inclusion criteria is met. Referrals are sent to the service inbox, haringey.carenavigator@nhs.net, and will be processed within five days.
Service Feedback
Meeru Ajithchandran / Laura Turner
m.ajithchandran@nhs.net / l.turner13@nhs.net 020 3074 2710 (HGPF Generic number)Resources
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Review date: Wednesday, 30 April 2025