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Bariatric Surgery: WH
NCL WideProvided By
The bariatric service at Whittington Hospital (WH) is known as the North London Obesity Surgery Service (NLOSS).
The bariatric surgical procedures provided by WH consultants include:
- Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
- sleeve gastrectomy
- one anastomosis/mini gastric bypass
- laparoscopic adjustable gastric band.
Eligibility Criteria
- BMI 35-39.9kg/m2 with a qualifying co-morbidity (e.g. type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, polycystic ovary syndrome, obstructive sleep apnoea, hyperlipidaemia metabolic syndrome)
- BMI 40-50kg/m2 with no co-morbidity required
- patients would have tried non-surgical measures for at least six months and failed to achieve or maintain adequate clinically beneficial weight loss
- patients with a BMI of >50kg/m2 do not need a proof of prior engagement with a weight loss programme, however they still need to demonstrate engagement with the workup process at NLOSS, undergo all recommended investigations, meet and maintain a weight loss goals assigned by the NLOSS clinicians.
How to Refer
Referral methods: e-Referrals
Refer via e-RS
For urgent cancer referrals, see the 2WW page.
The NLOSS team requires a referral letter from a medical practitioner, which should be addressed to a consultant, before an appointment can be made.
The referring clinician must ensure that the patient’s weight, height, BMI, past medical/co-morbidities and dieting history are clearly stated in the referral letter. Failure to include these details will result in a rejection of the referral.
How to find service on e-RS
- Specialty: GI and Liver (Medicine and Surgery)
- Clinic type: Upper GI including Dyspepsia
- Service name: Surgery Bariatric Service - Whittington Hospital - RKE
North London Obesity Surgery Service
Service Feedback
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Review date: Thursday, 10 July 2025