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NCL Diabetic Eye Screening Programme
NCL WideProvided By

The NCL Diabetic Eye Screening Programme (NCL DESP) is the only provider of NHS specialist diabetic eye screening in north central London. This service is provided by North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust (NMUH) and conducts a quality-assured screening at eight locations across the five boroughs of Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey and Islington.
Eye screening is a key part of diabetes care and all diabetic patients aged 12+ should have a specialist diabetic eye screening test every year due to the risk of developing diabetic retinopathy (a microvascular disease which affects the small blood vessels in the retina), which can severely affect their sight.
Screening can detect the condition early and before any changes to the vision are noted by the patient and, where needed, the patient can be referred into hospital eye services for treatment. Early treatment can prevent severe sight loss.
Diabetic eye screening involves taking two digital photographs of the back of each eye, once a year, to detect any early changes (diabetic retinopathy) that can occur as a result of diabetes.
Please note: For newly-diagnosed diabetic patient referrals to NCL DESP, electronic/paper referrals are not needed.
NCL DESP contacts all newly referred diabetic patients to book their first screening appointment. Please make sure that they are aware of the diabetes diagnosis. Some patients state that they did not know they were diabetic.
General Practice to Diabetic Retinopathy Screening
With the implementation of General Practice to Diabetic Retinopathy Screening (GP2DRS), every month the NCL DESP automatically extracts newly-diagnosed diabetic patients from all NCL practice IT systems. This has been happening since 2022, and has proven to be a safe and efficient system commissioned by NHS England. Therefore, it is no longer necessary for GPs to send electronic or paper referral forms to the NCL DESP, unless it is an urgent referral to the service. Please ensure that all diabetic patients are coded correctly on the system, using the SNOMED CT coding systems. The data will be collected according to the diabetic codes.
The GP2DRS works in the following ways:
- Each month, a GP2DRS software query is initiated by NHS Digital's General Practice Extraction Service (GPES). This query extracts data for patients registered at the practice who have a current diagnosis of diabetes, are not deceased, are aged 12+, and have not withheld consent to the transfer of their information for diabetic eye screening. The extracted data is then transferred onto the GP2DRS central database and made available to DESPs.
- Practices should check to ensure that IT systems are up to date with GP2DRS. NCL DESP is not aware of any issues, however, if there was one, NCL DESP will inform practices and request that quick action is taken to rectify the problem.
- Practices should make sure that, when updates and upgrades are happening on the IT systems, GP2DRS is not deleted or negatively affected.
Eligibility Criteria
- aged 12+ and have received a definitive diagnosis of diabetes
- diagnosis has been discussed with the patient
- patients aged <12 years may be referred to the programme, but they will not be invited for a screening appointment until after their twelfth birthday.
If there are specific concerns about any patients aged <12, in accordance with national guidelines these patients should be referred to be seen by paediatric ophthalmology consultants in a hospital eye clinic.
- patients who are terminally ill
- patients who are medically unfit, such as
- those who are unable to sit still in front of a slit lamp
- those who need transport on stretcher
- those who need to be transferred from a wheelchair via a hoist
- those who are bedbound and housebound
- those with severe dementia
- patients with pre-existing conditions (e.g. people who will never be able to benefit from and/or receive treatment due to a pre-existing condition)
- patients with gestational diabetes, because:
- patients with pure gestational diabetes do not seem to progress to any referable degree of diabetic retinopathy during their pregnancy and are therefore excluded
- if a patient has gestational diabetes, but has possible pre-existing diabetes, then the patient needs to be registered by the GP as having diabetes; NCL DESP will then add the patient to the screening programme and screen the patient according to the national guidelines (see the NCL DESP gestational guidelines in Resources for further clarity)
- patients with Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT), including:
- patients who have a result indicating IGT, borderline diabetes or pre-diabetes, and impaired fasting glycaemia are excluded.
Please note:
- medically unfit patients must be excluded from screening by GPs completing a Certificate Of Unsuitability (COU), emailed to DESP (or complete a COU when asked by NCL DESP)
- if GPs would like a patient who is excluded from screening to be seen for a retinal examination, patients can be referred to hospitals ophthalmology department directly by the GP.
How to Refer
EMIS form
Referral methods: Email
Lists of all patients with diabetes 'Read Code' are automatically collected from all NCL practices using the nationally commissioned GP2DRS software, and are sent to NCL DESP every month by the GP2DRS team.
For the GP2DRS system to work efficiently, practices must inform their system supplier (e.g. EMIS Web, SystmOne, etc.) to ensure GP2DRS remains active following any IT-related change or upgrade. NCL DESP will also alert practices monthly if IT-related issues occur.
NCL practices should update NCL DESP of any merger or closing of a practice.
If GPs would like to refer anyone urgently, they can do so by completing the Diabetic Eye Screening Programme Referral Form - North Middlesex and send to northmid.ncldesp@nhs.net
Where to find the form
- Barnet: BAR Global Documents > Referral Forms folder
- Camden: Camden Global Documents > Dermatology-ENT-Dental & Ophthalmo
- Enfield: ENF Global Documents > Diabetes folder
- Haringey: HAR Global Documents > Diabetes folder
- Islington: ISL Global Documents > Diabetes folder
Torrington Park Health Centre
Monday to Friday, evening clinics available
Edgware Community Hospital
Monday to Friday, evening clinics available
Evergreen Primary Care Centre
Monday to Friday, evening clinics available
James Wigg Practice
Monday to Friday, evening clinics available
Morum House Medical Centre
Monday to Friday
Royal Free Hospital
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, occasional Saturday clinics available
Whittington Hospital
Saturday clinics available
Chase Farm Hospital
Monday to Friday, evening clinics available
Service Feedback
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NCL DESP FAQs for patients
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Certificate of Unsuitability
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