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Sexual Health
Sexual Health
Related services
HIV Service: Ian Charleson Day Centre
Provides a range of inpatient and outpatient services for patients with HIV
Sexual Health Services for People with Learning Disabilities: The Bridge
A sexual health service for adults with learning disabilities and other support needs covering the boroughs of Camden, Islington and Barnet
Sexual Health Services for Young People: CAMISH
Free, confidential sexual health services for people aged 24 and under
Sexual Health Services: CNWL
Provides a range of sexual health services to residents of Barnet, Camden, Haringey and Islington
Sexual Health Services: Sexual Health London
Offers STI testing and both regular and emergency contraception
Sexual Problems
Service for people with sexual problems
HIV Support Network
CandiNETWORK offers one-to-one and group-based support services for people living with or affected by HIV
HIV Service: Bloomsbury Clinic
Free and confidential service for people with HIV
HIV Service: NMUH
Provides HIV services in the Alexander Pringle Centre