Sexual Health


Sexual Health

This locally commissioned service (LCS) aims to provide high quality sexual healthcare to practice patients (young people and adults) through opportunistic testing and as per patient request. List of practices signed up to provide the Sexual Health LCS is attached. 

Eligibility criteria

  • Any GP practice registered patient

The sexual health service involves (see service specification for more details):

  • opportunistic and risk-based screening for sexually transmitted infections (STI) including chlamydia, HIV, gonorrhoea, syphilis, Hepatitis B and C
  • high quality management, referral and follow-up of those found to have STIs 
  • referral to Drugs Misuse Public Health LCS if support with drug dependence is needed
  • increase in primary care sexual health trained practice staff to enable service delivery
  • practice engagement in service evaluation, through audit, attending the related audit/partnership event, for the purposes of shared learning and evaluation
  • provide advise and written information on safe sexual health practices, including provision of condoms or pregnancy tests or referral to Long Acting Reversible Contraception Public Health LCS as guided by clinical assessment. 

For queries, contact Public Health via

Visit the Overview of IT Tools webpage to access appropriate IT Sexual Health LCS Tools.