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Weight Management Support for Adults: MoreLife

Under Review — this page was due to be reviewed by Sunday, 07 July 2024. The information shown here may be outdated.

Please note: MoreLife has replaced the interim tier 2 adult weight management service delivered by Slimming World.

Camden and Islington patients can be referred or self-refer to MoreLife for weight management support.

The scheme provides a psychologically informed 12-week programme. Participants will have access to weekly, group-based weight management sessions at a local community venue or online via Zoom, plus additional support in between group meetings if required.

Patients will be supported to make gradual changes towards a healthier lifestyle by a dedicated weight management practitioner.

Eligibility Criteria


Camden/Islington residents and/or registered with a Camden/Islington NHS GP who:

  • are aged 18+
  • have expressed a willingness and motivation to change
  • have a BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2 with or without co-morbidities (BMI≥ 27.5 kg/m2 for black and minority ethnic service users).


  • have a BMI≥ 25 kg/m2 with a co-morbidity or multiple co-morbidities (BMI≥ 23.0 kg/m2 for black and minority ethnic service users).


Patients who:

  • do not meet inclusion criteria
  • are pregnant
  • have been diagnosed with an eating disorder
  • have severe/moderate frailty as recorded on a frailty register
  • have had bariatric surgery in the last two years
  • have a significant unmanaged co-morbidity.

How to Refer

EMIS form

Referral methods: Email

Healthcare professionals should complete the MoreLife T2 Adult Weight Management Service Camden & Islington - Referral Form and send it to e: morelife.camdenandislington@nhs.net

Where to find the form

  • Camden: The referral form is available in the CAM Global folder. Please use the EMIS search to find it.
  • Islington: ISL Global Documents > Nutrition & Dietetics folder


Patients can self-refer by calling the service or by filling out the self-referral form on the MoreLife website.


MoreLife Locations

The face to face sessions are held at multiple local venues. Please contact MoreLife for more details.


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Review date: Sunday, 07 July 2024