Falls Prevention: Safe & Connected


Safe and Connected is an accredited 24/7 emergency monitoring and response service run by Enfield Council. The service supports a person who has fallen with mobile lifting equipment, enabling them to be lifted safely and gently from the floor and placed into a sitting or standing position at the push of a button, with no hoisting or manual handling involved.

The service provides support to any adults who may feel vulnerable, have a disability, or a long-term health condition. It allows them to live safely and independently in their own home using assistive technology.

Service users are given an alarm unit and pendant and assessed for additional telecare sensors to meet their health needs.

In an emergency, these can be activated to send an alarm call to a fully trained telecare advisor. A landline is not required as devices have built-in sims. GPS locaters with two-way speech are also available for outdoor use.

97.5% of calls to the service are answered within 60 seconds. 90% of emergency call-outs are responded to within 45 minutes.

How to Refer

Clinicians can refer by calling the number above.

Clinicians can refer via the Safe and Connected website.

EMIS form

Referral methods: Email

Complete the Safe & Connected Patient Referral Form and send to safeandconnected@enfield.gov.uk

Where to find the form

  • ENF Global Documents > Other Forms


Patients can self-refer via the Safe and Connected website.

Service Feedback

Review date: Saturday, 03 January 2026