Falls Prevention Services: CNWL


CNWL Camden Falls Prevention Services provide therapeutic assessment and rehabilitation to help reduce the risk of falls. 

Therapists visit patients at home and complete a falls assessment. The patient may receive therapy and/or equipment provision as part of rehabilitation (if identified) in their home, be referred to a medical clinic and/or be referred to an exercise group. The Staying Steady Exercise programme is for patients at risk of falling who are medically fit and able to participate in an hour-long group.

Downloadable patient leaflets on falling can be found in Downloads.

See Related Services for information on falls in ambulant patients and falls diagnostic clinics.

Eligibility Criteria


  • all Camden residents
  • those who are unsteady, have fallen, have a fear of falling or at risk of falling.


  • only need is social care
  • need help with tasks (e.g. collection of prescriptions, delivery of incontinence equipment)
  • referral for provision of OT equipment only.

How to Refer

EMIS form

Referral methods: Email

Complete the Camden Integrated Adult Community Services - CNWL referral form and send to the Camden Central Access Team: camdenreferrals.cnwl@nhs.net

Where to find the form

  • Camden Global Documents > Adult & Elderly Services

Please note: Any incomplete referral forms will not be accepted and will be returned to the referrer.


Patients can self-refer by telephone.


CNWL Falls Prevention Services

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Review date: Saturday, 17 May 2025