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Heart Failure Community Nurse Service: WH
HaringeyIslingtonThe Community Heart Failure Nurse Service (CHFNS) comprises of a team of specialist nurses skilled in the management of patients with heart failure.
The service offers:
- heart failure management in the community to prevent admission/re-admission
- patient reviews within two weeks after discharge from hospital following a heart failure admission
- a mix of clinics (see Locations), home visits and telephone consultations based on patient need
- titrate medication to ensure patients are on maximum tolerated doses of evidence-based medications (NICE 2018/ESC 2021)
- support with end-of-life care for heart failure patients
- patient/families/carers education to assist with self-management
- referrals back to the GP for routine care once the patient is stabilised.
This service operates Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm. The team is offered clinical support and guidance by local cardiologists at Whittington Health (WH), University College London Hospital (UCLH) and North Middlesex University Hospital (NMUH).
Eligibility Criteria
- aged 18+ and registered with a GP in Islington or Haringey
- Confirmed diagnosis of heart failure with HFrEF, HFmEF and HFpEF; the diagnosis must be confirmed by an echocardiogram and the patient must have been seen by a cardiologist or a physician with a specialist interest in heart failure in line with NICE guidelines (this information must be provided on referral to the CHFNS)-
The CHFNS will accept patients with heart failure with normal left ventricular ejection fraction (HFpEF) with a clear management plan completed by the named cardiologist on referral and with the following criteria only:- normal left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF 50% or more on echocardiography) with moderate or severe left ventricular diastolic dysfunction and dilated left atrium (LAVI >38 ml/m2) and/or left ventricular hypertrophy (indexed LV mass >110 g/m2 for men and >99 g/m2 for women), or
- normal left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF 50% or more on echocardiography) with severe valvular dysfunction.
- newly diagnosed or unstable confirmed heart failure commencing on/or support with medication/treatment optimisation
- patients requiring specialist education, advice, information and support at any stage in their disease pathway from diagnosis through to palliative care stages
- end stage heart failure.
- Patients aged under 18
- Echo not available (all referrals without an available echo will be appropriately signposted and followed up with GP or cardiology team as required)
- Patients will not be accepted within six weeks of myocardial infarction, coronary artery bypass graft surgery, percutaneous coronary intervention and/or valve surgery, and will require repeat echocardiogram to reassess left ventricle function to confirm chronic heart failure by the referrer
- Acute myocardial infarction within six weeks of referral with subsequent heart failure
- Patients requiring hospital transfer for cardiology intervention
- Patients who refuse to receive care from the team
- Pregnant patients
- Normal LV function with end-stage renal disease CKD 4 0r 5 with eGFR ≤ 15/ patients on dialysis.
- Patients awaiting valve surgery (AVR/MVR).
- Patients echoed in atrial arrhythmias with heart rate exceeding 100bpm require rate control and re-echo before referral.
- Immediately post MI: must have echo six weeks post MI
- Patients with COPD and Cor pulmonale (advice may be offered to respiratory team for management of diuretics)
- Normal LVEF with primarily pulmonary hypertension (under care of pulmonary hypertension team at RFH Trust)
- HFpEF patients that are not on a medium-dose loop diuretic (80mg Furosemide or Bumetanide equivalent) and with no recent HF admission
- Patients registered with a GP outside NCL
- Other immediately life-threatening illness, for example, advanced malignancy
- Aggressive/abusive behaviour
- Non adherence with mental capacity
- DNA two consecutive appointments or cancel two in under 24 hours consecutively
- HFPEF with no management plan from cardiologist
- CKD IV at discretion of cardiologist and renal team (eGFR15-30)
- Patients with significant valve disease awaiting surgery
- Stable symptoms and medications optimised.
How to Refer
EMIS form
Referral methods: Email
Complete the required referral form:
- Haringey Adult Community Services Referral Form - Whittington for Haringey
- Community Matron - Long-Term Conditions (LTC) Referral Form - Whittington for Islington
and send to haringey.adult-referrals@nhs.net or arti.centralbooking@nhs.net
Where to find the form
- Haringey: HAR Global Documents > Community Services
- Islington: ISL Global Documents > LTC
Hornsey Rise Health Centre
Hornsey Central Neighbourhood Health Centre
Lordship Lane Primary Care Centre
River Place Health Centre
Service Feedback
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Review date: Tuesday, 09 September 2025