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  • Heart Failure Function Improvement Community Service: CLCH

Heart Failure Function Improvement Community Service: CLCH


The Barnet Heart Function Improvement Service is a nurse led service and comprises of heart failure specialist nurses with clinical support from a heart failure consultant cardiologist. The aim of the service is to ensure that all patients receive evidence-based treatments based on national and international heart failure guidelines which best suit individual needs. Patients are offered education and guidance to help them understand and self-manage their condition.

The service is for the treatment, review and support of adults who have a diagnosis of heart failure due to reduced ejection fraction <40% (NICE and ECS guidance).

Community clinics are held at both Finchley Memorial Hospital and Edgware Community Hospital. Home visits are provided to housebound patients living in the Borough of Barnet. Access to exercise rehabilitation is provided through our local pulmonary rehabilitation programmes.

The clinic offers a review within 48hours or routine within 14days (as per the referral form).

People can be referred to our service by:

  • hospital-based heart failure teams
  • hospital consultants/medical teams – usually following discharge from hospital.
  • GP surgery
  • self-referral if already known to our service.

Eligibility Criteria


  • 18+ registered with Barnet GP
  • diagnosis of heart failure evidenced by ECHO ideally, BNP level


  • not suitable for people who require diagnosis or complex interventions that are normally only available from secondary care

How to Refer

EMIS form

Referral methods: Email

Complete the Heart Function Improvement Service Referral – Barnet – CLCH form and email to Barnetheartfunction@nhs.net

Where to find the form

  • Barnet: BAR Global Documents > Referral Forms


Finchley Memorial Hospital

Clinics held in ground floor outpatients area

Edgware Community Hospital

Clinics held in Parkinson’s Unit Lower Ground floor

Service Feedback

Review date: Monday, 29 June 2026