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Fertility Preservation: UCLH
NCL WideSperm, oocyte, embryo and ovarian tissue storage for patients embarking on medical or surgical treatment which may impair their fertility. The service also provide fertility counselling before and after gonadotoxic therapy.
Referrals for sperm storage are accepted for patients at risk of permanent infertility due to medical treatments. Lab reports for the following blood tests must sent with the referral and an appointment cannot be booked without them:
- HIV 1&2
- Hepatitis C antibodies
- Hepatitis B Core antibody
- Hepatitis B surface antigen
Additional tests are required for patient whose partner is unable to carry a pregnancy (e.g. same-sex relationships) to enable sperm to be used in surrogacy in future. These are:
- Syphilis
- Hepatitis A
- Chlamydia
If the patient is from a high prevalence HTLV area (or has a sexual partner who is), please also test for HTLV1 antibodies. Contact the laboratory for for more information.
Eligibility Criteria
Patients who do not currently have fertility problems but meet one of the following criteria:
- under the care of a specialist clinician who confirms they are due to undergo a gonadotoxic treatment; this may include patients undergoing interventions for gender reassignment
- under the care of a specialist clinician who confirms they have a medical condition that, in their case, is likely to progress such that it will lead to infertility in the future
- see local fertility funding policies
- vasectomy
How to Refer
EMIS form
Referral methods: Email
Complete the Fertility Preservation Referral form and email to: uclh.fertilitypreservation@nhs.net.
To refer a patient, for Semen storage complete the fertility Lab referral form and email it to uclh.fertilitylab@nhs.net.
Where to find the form
- Barnet: BAR Global Documents > Referral Forms
- Camden: Camden Global Documents > Sexual Health & Reproductive
- Enfield: ENF Global Documents > Gynae, Sexual and Reproductive
- Haringey: HAR Global Documents > Gynae, Sexual and Reproductive
- Islington: ISL Global Documents > Gynae, Sexual and Reproductive
Related Services
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List of services related to sexual healthReview date: Tuesday, 03 March 2026