COPD Community Respiratory Service: CLCH


The Barnet COPD Community Service provides a range of services for adult patients diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD).

This service forms part of an integrated COPD pathway across primary and secondary care, working in partnerships with GPs, respiratory consultants, specialist nurses and physiotherapists, community nurses and other healthcare professionals to deliver community-based care.

The service includes:

Eligibility Criteria


Clinic referral criteria

  • Barnet resident aged 18+
  • frequent exacerbations of COPD (two or more per year)
  • recent admission to hospital for COPD exacerbation
  • clinical symptoms disproportionate to lung function tests
  • rapid clinical or FEV1 decline
  • problematic withdrawal of steroids
  • complex COPD patients requiring specialist MDT review.

Hospital at Home admission avoidance

  • Patient with a current acute exacerbation not responding to treatment or who require more intensive support will be cared for under Hospital at Home. Contact the respiratory nurse specialist direct on 07943 828371.

How to Refer

EMIS form

Referral methods: Email

Complete the Community COPD Referral Barnet – CLCH and send to

For referral to Hospital at Home contact Respiratory Nurse Specialist 07943 828371

Where to find the forms

  • Barnet: BAR Global Documents > Referral Forms folder


Patients who have previously been referred to the service are able to self-refer by calling the dedicated service advice line. The line is open 9am-5pm Monday to Friday, and 8am-8pm at weekends and bank holidays.

Please note: If the patient has not been in contact with the service for longer than three years, or if they have had major changes in their health since last using the service, they will have to be re-referred by an appropriate healthcare professional.

Service Feedback

Review date: Tuesday, 03 February 2026