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Physical Activity Referral Scheme: Healthwise


The Healthwise Physical Activity Referral Scheme is a 12-week intervention programme available at all five leisure centres across Barnet. Patients will receive three assessments with the Healthwise team during this period at their chosen leisure centre, which aim to manage existing risk factors and long-term conditions through physical activity.

Healthwise utilises motivational interviewing, a behaviour change technique, to support individuals to make sustainable changes to lifestyle behaviours and increase physical activity levels. To monitor patients, physical measurements are taken in each assessment and signposting to structured activity sessions by Healthwise and/or to suitable activities that the leisure centres offer is also provided.

All patients referred to Healthwise by a GP or healthcare professional will require a membership (£28.50 per month or £5.50 pay or play) to participate in the programme. The service is responsible for reporting and evaluating the programme. Data from this programme is anonymised and shared with the local authority to report on Health outcomes to help understand its effectiveness.

Eligibility Criteria


  • Barnet resident or registered with a Barnet GP
  • aged 18+
  • considering or ready to make a change to their physical activity levels i.e. Contemplation, Preparation, or Action stage
  • not currently active (<30 minutes per week/not an existing gym member in the last six months)
  • meets full inclusion criteria (see Downloads).


  • referrals with an unstable and/or limiting physical or mental condition will be referred back to their GP to access specialist support
  • blood pressure over 180/100 and/or resting heart rate over 100bpm (these patients should be treated to stabilise their condition before being referred to a lifestyle service that includes physical activity)
  • if the patient has diabetes, they should complete local diabetes education sessions prior to being referred
  • patients on insulin or oral diabetes medications capable of inducing hypoglycaemia should be aware that changes in lifestyle may cause hypoglycaemia and should seek advice from their diabetes team 
  • if diabetic, HbA1C over 10% or 86mmol/mol (these patients should be treated to stabilise their diabetic control before being referred to a lifestyle service)
  • for patients with COPD, MRC breathlessness score greater than two (scores of three or above require a specialist programme)
  • for full exclusion criteria, see Downloads.

How to Refer

EMIS form

Referral methods: Email

Complete the Healthwise Referral - Barnet form and send to gllbarnet.referrals@nhs.net

Where to find the form

  • Barnet: BAR Global Documents > Referral Forms (BAR Global)
  • Camden: Camden Global Documents > Alcohol-Drugs-Smoking-Diet-Exercise-Lifestyle 
  • Enfield: ENF Global Documents > Alcohol-Drugs-Smoking-Diet-Exercise-Lifestyle 


Burnt Oak Leisure Centre

Barnet Copthall Leisure Centre

Finchley Lido Leisure Centre

Hendon Leisure Centre

New Barnet Leisure Centre

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Review date: Tuesday, 09 September 2025