Under Review — this page was due to be reviewed by Thursday, 05 September 2024. The information shown here may be outdated.

NHSmail is an email service based on Outlook Web Access. It is secure enough to exchange sensitive information, including patient identifiable data, with other NHSmail users.

Users can access the service via computer or mobile device, using a web browser or email programme (e.g. Outlook). The service allows you to keep the same email address for the duration of your career in the NHS.

To register on for an NHS.net account, contact your GP IT Helpdesk.

Account life cycles

NHSmail user accounts that are not proactively used or monitored present a security risk to the NHSmail platform.

As of 1 December 2022, NCL ICB reduced both the active and the inactive periods for unused accounts from 90 to 30 days.

Based on their activity status, accounts will move from:

  • active to deleted if 60+ days of no activity
  • active to inactive if 30-60 days of no activity
  • inactive to deleted if 30+ days in inactive state.

Accounts that move to deleted state will then have 30 days to be restored if required.

Please note: There is no change to application accounts, shared/resource mailbox hygiene, or the forensic process.

Please remind your users that at least one of the below must be completed every 30 days to keep an account active:

  • logging into the NHSmail portal
  • logging into an NHSmail shared tenant Office 365 application (e.g. Teams)
  • use of Office 365 applications (e.g. Outlook with cached credentials)
  • sending an email.

Accessing accounts from outside of the UK

From early September 2023, Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) will be required to access NHSMail and Collaboration Services from outside of the UK.

Collaboration Services include:

  • Microsoft Teams
  • Sharepoint Online
  • OneDrive for Business.

MFA offers an additional layer of security to protect NHSMail accounts and Collaboration Services from security threats such as hacking or spoofing.

To set up MFA, a mobile phone will be required and you will need to still be in the UK. MFA cannot be set up outside of the UK.

Contact your GP IT Helpdesk to enable MFA for your accounts. If you are already outside the UK without MFA set up, NHSMail will not be accessible until you return to the UK.

Review date: Thursday, 05 September 2024