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Appropriate Prescribing of Nutritional Supplements

NCL Wide

Islington Directorate's Medicines Management Team has collaborated on an appropriate prescribing of nutritional supplements podcast. It covers nutrition product prescribing with a focus on:

  • oral nutritional supplements (ONS)
  • who ACBS are, what they do and what it means 
  • what is appropriate prescribing 
  • the importance of a thorough assessment
  • the identification of the nutritional problem and its cause
  • a ‘what matters to me’ conversation
  • realistic goals/expectations.

Prescribing guideline: Standard operating procedure (SOP) for reviewing prescriptions for adult oral nutritional supplements (ONS) in primary care.

Broadcast date: Monday, 12 December 2022
Publish date: Friday, 20 January 2023
Review date: Tuesday, 03 March 2026