Support After Suicide: Amparo

NCL Wide

Amparo, part of the Listening Ear family, delivers its postvention service to around one-third of the population of England.

The service is completely confidential and provides practical and emotional short-term or longer-term support for people bereaved by suicide, including immediately after loss or in the longer term, to reduce social isolation and avoid stigma. The service is delivered at the client's own pace.

Support can be provided one-to-one, to family groups, or groups of work colleagues. Amparo is currently offered by telephone or video link, in person, walk and talk or in community venues.

Suicide risk increases for people bereaved or affected by suicide. Amparo makes contact within 24 hours of a referral and completes a support plan within seven days. 

The practical/emotional support includes dealing with the police or coroner, helping overcome feelings of isolation, supporting at inquest and signposting to local services.

Professionals are invited to book a place on a free 40-minute online briefing session, to learn more about the work of Amparo in NCL.

Eligibility Criteria


  • resident of Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey or Islington
  • anyone recently or historically affected by suicide
  • affected by a suicide which occurred in one of the NCL boroughs
    • this includes significant family members, friends, work colleagues or peers, health and social care professionals, finders/witnesses of the deceased, and anyone working for Blue Light services. 

How to Refer


Line available 9am-5pm. Call or email if you have any queries about the referral process or if you need help completing any of the forms.

Refer via the website online form

Service Feedback


Review date: Tuesday, 01 October 2024