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MSK Physiotherapy: CLCH
BarnetThe CLCH Musculoskeletal (MSK) Physiotherapy service delivers musculoskeletal health at various sites across Barnet. The team works closely with GPs and hospital services to offer patients a seamless pathway of care.
The team comprises:
- advanced practitioner physiotherapists who specialise in shoulder/other upper limb conditions/lower limb/spine
- consultant physiotherapists
- pelvic health specialist
- MSK physiotherapists
The service team can access diagnostics MRI, X-ray, phlebotomy and ultrasound scans.
Eligibility Criteria
- London borough of Barnet resident
- registered with a London borough of Barnet GP
- aged three years and above
- conditions that require the care of the GP, orthopaedic or rheumatology services, such as cancer
- those requiring surgery or fractures
- may have an inflammatory condition
- need an accident and emergency assessment
- lumps and bumps, e.g. ganglions.
How to Refer
EMIS form
Referral methods: e-Referrals, Email
Complete the Musculoskeletal (MSK) and Physiotherapy Service – Barnet – CLCH referral form.
If you are referring the patient for MSK Physiotherapy email to: clcht.mskphysiotherapy@nhs.net
If you are referring the patient for Specialist MSK (ICMSK) send via eRS
How to find service on e-RS
- Specialty: Physiotherapy
- Clinic type: Musculoskeletal
- Service name: CLCH Specialist MSK
Where to find the form
- Barnet: BAR Global Documents > Referral Forms folder
Service Feedback
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