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Maxillofacial Clinic: RFL
NCL WideProvided By

The Royal Free London (RFL) Maxillofacial Clinic treats a range of conditions including facial pain.
Eligibility Criteria
Aged 18+ suffering from any of the following:
- burning mouth syndrome
- rare facial pains (post herpetic neuralgia and neuropathic pain)
- persistent idiopathic facial pain of non-dental origin (previously termed atypical facial pain)
- trigeminal neuralgia (primary and secondary)
- trigeminal neuropathic pain
- temporomandibular (TMD)/myofacial pain
- trauma to face/jaw
- head/neck infections
- various head/neck cancers
- salivary gland diseases
- heavily decayed tooth removal
- wisdom tooth removal
- facial deformities
- jaw joint conditions
- facial pain
- cysts and tumours of the jaws
- severe oral ulceration.
- orofacial pain complicated by other factors such as psychiatric/personality disorders and/or psychological problems.
How to Refer
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Review date: Wednesday, 16 April 2025