Lymphoedema Service: UCLH


The lymphoedema service, within the University College London Hospitals (UCLH) Cancer Services Division, provides assessment, conservative treatment and management of cancer-related lymphoedema.

Eligibility Criteria


Residents of Barnet and Camden with cancer-related secondary lymphoedema who are:

  • aged >13 years
  • having treatment for cancer diagnosis at UCLH, without a local lymphoedema service.


  • patients having treatment for cancer diagnosis at UCLH who have a local lymphoedema service should be referred to their local service.

How to Refer

Please note we can only accept cancer related lymphoedema referrals

EMIS form

Referral methods: Email

Complete the Lymphoedema Service Out-Patient Referral - UCLH form and send to

Where to find the form

  • Barnet: BAR Global Documents > Referral Forms folder
  • Camden: Camden Global Documents


UCLH Lymphoedema Service

Service Feedback

Review date: Thursday, 10 April 2025