Learning Disability GP Liaison Nurse: CLCH


The Barnet Learning Disabilities Service has a GP Liaison Nurse, Doris Allie. Her role is to work with the GP practices in Barnet to support with patients who have a learning disability, including providing:

  • accessible information support
  • improving annual health checks overcoming barriers you may face
  • case/patient discussions and working together problem solving
  • training staff team to help overcome any potential barriers to accessing your service
  • linking in with and signposting to other services
  • providing a named Link Nurse to your surgery for patients with a learning disability
  • understanding and participating in the National Learning Disability Mortality Review program (LeDeR) and developing a LeDeR champion in your surgery
  • advice on Thumbs Up Awards

Contact GP Liaison Nurse Doris Allie:
t: 07841 531 116
e: clcht.gpldnurse@nhs.net

How to Refer

EMIS form

Referral methods: Email

Complete the Learning Disabilities Service Referral Form (Barnet Council - CLCH) and email to BLDSIntegratedDuty@barnet.gov.uk

Where to find the form

BAR Global Documents > Learning Disabilities

Service Feedback

Review date: Wednesday, 18 December 2024