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Integrated Community Health Care Teams (includes District Nurse, rehabilitation OT and Physiotherapy): CNWL
Under Review — this page was due to be reviewed
by Tuesday, 13 February 2024. The information shown here may be outdated.
Three Integrated Healthcare Teams provide district nursing, rehabilitation physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, complex care, pharmacy and clinical psychology input to housebound patients.
The team creates a care plan to include:
- urinary catheter care (or for other catheter services, Catheter Management)
- tissue viability and wound care
- palliative care/end of life support
- assessment for continence product
- case management
- injectable medication administration (if patient is unable to self-manage)
- falls prevention service
- home-based OT/PT/SLT therapy assessment and rehabilitation to improve independence.
Please see contact details for each location, below.
Eligibility Criteria
- over 18, live in Camden, and registered with a GP
- housebound and cannot easily attend clinics
- no nursing need or rehabilitation potential
- not housebound
- only need is social care
- need immediate admission to secondary care
- require administration of psychiatric medication or main presenting problem is mental health issue
- need help with tasks (e.g. collection of prescriptions, delivery of incontinence equipment)
- referral for provision of OT equipment only
How to Refer
EMIS form
Referral methods: Email
Complete the Camden Integrated Adult Community Services - CNWL referral form and send to the Camden Central Access Team: camdenreferrals.cnwl@nhs.net. Attach any relevant discharge or outpatient reports.
For Twilight/Overnight service, referrals for same/next-day appointments need to be received by 4pm, Monday to Friday.
Where to find the form
- Camden: Camden Global Documents > Adult & Elderly Services
Patients can self refer by contacting Camden Referrals on 020 3317 3400. A full medical summary from the GP practice or hospital discharge summary will be required for triage purposes.
Belsize Priory Team (West Locality)
Gospel Oak Team (North Locality)
Hunter Street Team (South Locality)
Service Feedback
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