Enhanced Health in Care Homes: NMUH


The aims of the Enhanced Health in Care Homes (EHCH) model in Haringey is to:

  • support primary care to fulfil the community healthcare requirements outlined in the national EHCH framework in older people's care homes in Haringey
  • provide in-reach multidisciplinary support to the identified homes.

The Haringey model:

  • delivers high quality, personalised care within the homes, including transition to/back to home from hospital, comprehensive assessment, and supporting development of and implementation of proactive care plans for residents
  • provides the right care and the right health services for the individual where possible
  • reduces crises and resulting unnecessary conveyances to hospitals, hospital admissions and bed days, while ensuring the best care for people living in care homes.

Eligibility Criteria


  • open to Peregrine House and Priscilla Wakefield House (North and East homes) residents only.

How to Refer

Urgent referrals

For urgent referrals, telephone the team with information about the patient.

Non-urgent referrals

For non-urgent referrals, email the team with information about the patient.

Service Feedback

Review date: Saturday, 07 March 2026