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Early Pregnancy Assessment & Gynaecology Emergency Diagnostic Unit: RFL
NCL WideRoyal Free London (RFL) offers a seven-day per week specialist service for women who need emergency care for early pregnancy and gynaecological problems at Royal Free and Barnet Hospitals.
Services offered:
- assessment and management of women with pain and bleeding in early pregnancy (up to 15 weeks and six days)
- assessment of women at high risk of an ectopic pregnancy
- day case hyperemesis care
- assessment and management of women with acute gynaecological problems
Unit opening times
Barnet Hospital
Monday to Friday: 9am-5pm
Saturday: CLOSED
Sunday: 9am-5pm
Royal Free Hospital
Monday to Friday: 7.30am-8pm with scanning facilities from 9am-5pm
Saturday: 9am-5pm
Sunday: CLOSED
How to Refer
Barnet Hospital / Royal Free Hospital
Urgent GP referrals are seen on the same day. Non-urgent referrals seen on the same or next day.
During working hours, women needing EPAGU services who attend A&E will be sent directly to the unit. Out of hours, they will either be given an appointment to attend the next day or will be seen by the on-call medical team.
Urgent advice
- Barnet Hospital: 020 8216 5233
- Royal Free Hospital: 020 7472 6374
- Specialist nurses can also be reached on: 020 7794 0500 ext 38205 or 31468 or bleep 4257
EMIS form
Referral methods: Email
Complete the Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU) referral form and email to:
- Barnet Hospital: RF-TR.BH-epaguFAX@nhs.net
- Royal Free Hospital: Rf-tr.epagu@nhs.net
Where to find the form
- Barnet: BAR Global Documents > Referral Forms (BAR Global)
- Camden: Camden EMIS Forms page
GP to telephone to make an appointment:
t: 020 7472 6374 during opening hours (Mon-Fri 7.30am-8pm with scanning facilities from 9am-5pm)
Call switchboard:
t: 020 7794 0500 ext 38205 or 31468
Women with a previous ectopic pregnancy or recurrent miscarriage can contact the units directly for an appointment.
The unit at RFH is able to accept self referrals from all women, but they should contact the unit for an appointment first.
Barnet Hospital
The unit is open Monday to Friday from 9am-5pm and Sunday 9am-5pm (closed on Saturday). For further advice about emergency gynaecology at Barnet Hospital, call the hospital.
Royal Free Hospital
The unit is open Monday to Friday from 7.30am-8pm with scanning facilities from 9am-5pm, and Saturday 9am-5pm (closed on Sunday).
Service Feedback
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