Coroner's Service: Inner North London


HM Coroner is the judge responsible for investigating a death when: 

  • the cause of death is apparently unknown; or
  • the cause of death is apparently unnatural; or
  • death occurs in state custody (police, prison or mental health detention).

If you want advice or information about a death that has been reported to HM Coroner for Inner North London, contact St Pancras Coroner’s Court (for deaths in Camden or Islington).

t: 020 7974 4545

  • Opening hours for telephone calls: Mon-Fri (excluding bank holidays), 8am-1pm and 2-3.30pm
  • Opening hours for visits: Mon-Fri (excluding bank holidays), 8am-4pm

Use the below link to report a death to HMC. Hospital deaths should be referred via the hospital.

If you are unsure if the case needs to be referred to the coroner, please contact your medical examiner's office who will be able to give advice.  

If you would like to suggest a cause of death to the coroner - please can you also refer the case to the medical examiner who will need to review the case before the coroner can accept you suggestion.

How to Refer

For non-urgent referral queries


St Pancras Coroner’s Court (deaths in Camden or Islington)

Offices are open Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays: For visits: 8am-4pm, For phone calls: 8am-1pm and 2-3.30pm

Service Feedback

Coroner Service, inner north London 020 7974 4545


Review date: Friday, 08 November 2024