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COPD & Pulmonary Rehabilitation: NMUH
EnfieldProvided By
This is a six-week exercise and education course for patients with COPD and other long-term respiratory diagnosis who are functionally limited by breathlessness.
The aim is to increase exercise tolerance and encourage a continuous commitment to regular exercise to maintain and continue to improve the levels of fitness obtained during the course.
The educational component of the course involves a multi-disciplinary approach, enabling patients to self-manage their condition.
This course runs on a Monday and Thursday from 12-2pm or 1-3pm at St Stephen's church hall. Patients are referred and then assessed to check suitability for the course. If suitable, they must be able to commit to attending the course for two hours every Monday and Thursday for six weeks.
Please include patient spirometry confirming diagnosis of COPD on referral and review that the patient meets criteria for referral (see Eligibility Criteria below). The service also accepts referral for patients with asthma, bronchiectasis, interstitial lung disease and prior to lung transplant/lung reduction surgery.
Eligibility Criteria
- Confirmed diagnosis of respiratory condition
- Enfield resident
- over 18
- Patient is aware of diagnosis and referral
- Functional limitation due to breathlessness (MRC2 or above)
- Motivated to exercise
- Patient willing to commit with two-hours session twice a week for six weeks
- Patient able to travel to venue
- Patient's current medication optimised/will be adjusted if required
- Inability to walk 10 metres independently (with or without walking aids)
- Cognitive/social ability - inability to participate in group activities and follow commands
- Known uncontrolled cardiac arrhythmias
- Unstable cardiovascular disease (e.g. unstable angina, uncontrolled hypertension, AAA > 5.5cm)
- Severe locomotor disease preventing moderate intensity exercise
- Recurrent falls
- Recent MI
- Patient has attended the programme in the past 12 months
- No confirmed respiratory diagnosis
How to Refer
EMIS form
Referral methods: Email
Referrals are made via the ECS SPA form.
Complete the Adult Services Single Point of Access Referral form - Enfield Community Services and send to the following centralised ECS address:
e: northmid.ecsadultsinglepointofaccess@nhs.net
Once the referral has been received, it will be screened by non-clinical administrators with no changes to clinical response times.
Where to find the form
- ENF Global Library > Community Therapies
Pulmonary Rehabilitation Course
Service Feedback
Helen Littler, Respiratory Consultant Nurse
northmid.enfieldcommunityrespiratoryservice@nhs.net 020 8702 5860Resources
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