Bladder & Bowel Continence Service


We provide the following services:

  • one-to-one assessments, diagnosis and management
  • referral to outside agencies when required
  • assessment for provision of aids (including continence products where appropriate)
  • patient and carer education to manage continence issues
  • ongoing training for staff, residential and nursing homes.

Eligibility Criteria


  • residents of Enfield
    • with continence problems

How to Refer

EMIS form

Referral methods: Email

Referrals are via the ECS SPA form. To find the form, go to:

ENF Global Library > Community Therapies > Adult Services Single Point of Access Referral form - Enfield Community Services 

The completed form should be sent to the following centralised ECS address:

Once the referral has been received, it will be screened by non-clinical administrators with no changes to clinical response times.


Forest Primary Care Centre

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Review date: Thursday, 22 August 2024