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COPD Community Respiratory Service: WH
HaringeyIslingtonProvided By

The Whittington Health (WH) integrated chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) service comprises of a consultant-led, multi-disciplinary team providing care to patients with complex respiratory conditions in the community. The service works with patients and their carers to improve the quality of life and patient experience for those living with COPD and frightening disabling breathlessness.
The service provides:
- support with self-management
- pulmonary rehabilitation
- an acute exacerbation pathway (AECOPD) for Islington residents
- diagnostic spirometry for Haringey residents.
See Related Services for more information.
Support with self-management
The CORE team offers support with self-management by providing a seamless and integrated COPD pathway where focus is placed on patient education, supporting the treatment of tobacco dependence, and referring to appropriate services (such as pulmonary rehabilitation). An individualised care plan is put together with the patient and patients are encouraged to contact the team if there is any deterioration in their symptoms.
Consider referral for patients:
- with frequent exacerbations (>/= two per year)
- who over use inhaled therapy
- with a need for multiple courses of steroids
- with a worsening symptom profile
- who may benefit from better disease education and support to develop self-management skills
- who have had a recent hospital admission.
Patients are discharged:
- when their episode of care is completed
- if they fail to engage with the service
- if they move out of the area
- if COPD is no longer the primary health problem
- if it is felt that the team is in danger of harm or abuse from the patient, carer or environment.
Consultant advice
Integrated consultants can be contacted for advice Monday to Friday, 10am-5pm.
University College London Hospitals (UCLH)
Respiratory Specialist Nurse
t: 07887 787 959
e: uclh.respiratorynurses@nhs.net
Dr Melissa Heightman
t: 07825 291 451
Whittington Health (WH)
Dr Melissa Heightman
t: 07768 728 992
e: melissa.heightman1@nhs.net (email preferred)
Dr Ruvini Dharmagunawardena
t: 07768 728 992
e: ruvini.dharmagunawardena@nhs.net (email preferred)
Eligibility Criteria
- age 18+
- registered with a Haringey or Islington GP
- COPD primary diagnosis, confirmed with spirometry
- patients must have a current working contact number.
- unconfirmed diagnosis
- unstable co-morbidities that may be causing/mostly contributing to current deterioration
- rapidly worsening symptoms that require urgent care intervention
- cognitive impairment that would affect ability to work with the team, unless living with a carer who can support the management of the patient's condition.
How to Refer
The CORE team can be contacted via telephone to discuss the suitability of the referral.
Integrated Respiratory Consultant
The integrated respiratory consultant can also be contacted to provide telephone advice.
EMIS form
Referral methods: Email
Complete the Long term conditions community service referral form.
- Haringey referrals send to: haringey.adult-referrals@nhs.net
- Islington referrals send to: arti.centralbooking@nhs.net
Where to find the form
- Islington: ISL global documents > LTC
- Haringey: HAR global documents > LTC
Service Feedback
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