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Community Diabetes Service: CLCH
BarnetThe Barnet Community Diabetes Service is made up of a multi-disciplinary team (MDT) providing support to adults with diabetes in a variety of community locations and in the homes of housebound patients. The service provides holistic support to help patients with (mainly) type 2 diabetes to manage their condition in the community.
The team helps patients with complex health issues who need multiple therapies and the aim is to avoid hospital attendances and prevent risk of long-term complications. Patients are provided with the skills, knowledge and confidence to self-manage their diabetes effectively.
The MDT podiatry team offers foot treatment for moderate and high-risk patients, such as those with previous ulcer or amputation, those needing renal replacement therapy, those who have ulcers with no active signs of infection and those with ingrown toenails that have signs of infection.
The diabetes service also offers the following pathways.
DESMOND structure education programme
The diabetes service delivers DESMOND structure education programme face-to-face and online.
These sessions cater for all patients new to diabetes and those established with diabetes who require additional information. They are delivered by both a diabetes specialist nurse and a dietitian. Audits on post-attendance have shown better diabetes control, weight loss and, in some cases, reduction in medication.
Online group education
These sessions cater for all patients new to diabetes and those established with diabetes who require additional information. They are delivered by both a diabetes specialist nurse and a dietitian. Audits on post-attendance have shown better diabetes control, weight loss and, in some cases, reduction in medication.
Diabetes specialist dietitian
Lifestyle management is an integral part of diabetes management. Patients who wish to improve their lifestyle, lose weight and keep medication doses to a minimum should be referred to the diabetes specialist dietitian.
Diabetes specialist nurse
This pathway is for urgent referrals, supported discharge from specialist care, optimisation of diabetes control and those starting injectables.
Eligibility Criteria
- Patient with Type 2 Diabetes with acute or persistent hyperglycaemia (on three or more glycaemic agents at maximum tolerated dose)
- Steroid-induced diabetes
- Initiation of insulin or GLP-1
- Review of insulin regime or change of regime
- Supporting discharge from the hospital
- Acute or persistent hypoglycaemic episodes
- Patient Education Programme DESMOND (newly diagnosed or never had education before: not for pre-diabetes)
- Dietetic individual assessment: for poorly controlled Type 2 diabetes/education RE: carb awareness or carb counting; and those unsuitable for group patient education programme i.e. language barriers, learning disabilities.
How to Refer
Appointment Line
Phone the number above to make an appointment with the service.
All referrals must contain the following:
- consent to share notes
- referrer’s name and email
- reason for referral
- recent blood test results within last three months
- current medication
- allergies
EMIS form
Referral methods: Email
Complete the Community Diabetes Referral - Barnet - CLCH and send to the relevant email address.
Routine referrals: clcht.bcs-admin@nhs.net
Urgent referrals (and GP advice): clcht.barnetdiabetes@nhs.net
Where to find the form
- BAR Global > Referral Forms folder
Service Feedback
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