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  • BETTER Balance Falls Prevention Programme: Healthwise

BETTER Balance Falls Prevention Programme: Healthwise


The BETTER Balance Programme is eight weeks long and includes weekly, 60-minute, referral-only classes. The classes are led by an OTAGO qualified instructor, offering a combination of strength and balance exercises with the aim of reducing the fear and risk of falling. 

Patients will attend an initial assessment with the Healthwise team prior to starting the programme. The assessment will measure their goals and motivations, appropriateness through physical measurements and the timed up and go functional test. A gym induction will also be completed to help increase activity levels and work in conjunction with the programme to reduce the fear and risk of falling.

After completing the programme, the patient will be booked into a final assessment to measure their progress and to discuss exit strategies to maintain physical activity levels.

All patients referred to Healthwise by a GP or healthcare professional will require a membership (£25 per month or £4.50 pay or play) to participate in the programme. They must also agree for their data to be shared (see Community Services Data Set from NHS Digital in External Links for more information).

Eligibility Criteria


  • Barnet resident or registered with a Barnet GP
  • aged 18+
  • initial assessment suggests patient is ready to change and is in need of a structured programme
  • score of 0-2 on falls risk assessment tool (FRAT), see Downloads
  • at risk of or fear of falling
  • independently mobile without a walking aid.


  • score of 3+ on the falls risk assessment tool (FRAT), see Downloads
  • have fallen in the past 12 months
  • immobile
  • medically unstable
  • acute/uncontrolled mental health issues or problems preventing engagement in therapy
  • newly diagnosed/active neurological conditions including stroke (patients with Parkinson's disease should be referred to a specialist Parkinson's unit).

How to Refer

EMIS form

Referral methods: Email

Complete the Healthwise Referral - Barnet form and send to gllbarnet.referrals@nhs.net

Where to find the form  

  • BAR Global Documents > Referral Forms 


Barnet Copthall Leisure Centre

New Barnet Leisure Centre

Service Feedback


Review date: Friday, 02 August 2024