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Autism Hub
BarnetThe Autism Hub is a service for adults living in Barnet who either suspect they may be autistic or who have a diagnosis.
The hub provides a range of support and activities, including:
- workshops
- support through the diagnostic process
- social activities
- information, advice and guidance
- peer support groups
- workshops
- carers support group
Eligibility Criteria
- 18+
- Barnet resident
- Diagnosed and pre-diagnosed (suspected) autism
How to Refer
Contact one of the Autism Advisors by telephone.
Contact one of the Autism Advisors by email.
EMIS form
Referral methods: Email
Complete the Autism Hub Referral - Barnet MENCAP form and email to Project.Support@barnetmencap.org.uk
Where to find the form
- BAR Global Documents > Referral Forms
Referrals to Barnet Mencap for pre-assessment screening are no longer required. Barnet Autism Hub will still accept GP referrals for the Waiting Well Service which offers pre and post-diagnostic support.
For diagnostic assessment referrals
Refer patients directly to the Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Service at St Pancras Hospital for assessment.
Further information is available via the Adult Autism Diagnostic Consultation Service.
Please advise patients that Barnet Mencap can support with completing the pre-assessment questionnaires:
- The Autism Spectrum Quotient: patient to complete
- The Empathy Quotient: patient to complete
- The CAST Relatives Questionnaire: to be completed by someone who knew the patient as a child.
People can fill in their details via the referral form on the Barnet Mencap website.
Barnet Autism Hub
Service Feedback
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Review date: Friday, 05 December 2025