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- Supervised Self-Administration (pharmacy-delivered)
Supervised Self-Administration (pharmacy-delivered)
CamdenSupervised Self-Administration (pharmacy-delivered)
This locally commissioned service (LCS) entails the supervision of the self-administration of opiate substitute treament (prescribed medicines) (methadone or buprenorphine) at the point of dispensing as described below. List of pharmacies signed up to deliver this service is attached to this page.
This LCS involves (see service specification attached for more details):
- dispensing the prescribed dose of opiate substitute treatment (methadone solution or tablet or buprenorphine solution). Pharmacies will receive referrals from NHS prescribers (GPs and Camden Integrated Drug and Alcohol service) within Camden
- supervising consumption and ensuring each supervised dose is correctly consumed on site by the intended patient
- providing advice and written information on harm reduction practices including referral to the GP provided Opiate Drug Misuse Public Health LCS (the list of GP practices signed up to deliver this service is attached to this page) or Camden Integrated Drug and Alcohol service for drug treatment, where appropriate
- opportunistic assessment of general health and wellbeing, and where eligible referral to the Breathe Stop Smoking service or wider healthcare services
Eligibility for this service
- referrals made by Change Grow Live (Camden’s Integrated Drug and Alcohol Service provider), adult injecting drug users whose stated age is 18 years or over
For queries, contact Public Health via ph.lcs@camden.gov.uk.
Visit the Overview of IT Tools page to access appropriate IT smoking cessation tools.
Specification Document
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Supervised Self Administration (SSA) of Methadone/Buprenorphine (1 April 2023-31 March 2025)
NCL WideAppendices
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Camden Health and Wellbeing Pharmacy Sign-up list
NCL Wide
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Camden Health and Wellbeing GP Sign-up list
NCL WideReview date: Friday, 17 October 2025