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- Smoking Cessation (pharmacy-delivered)
Smoking Cessation (pharmacy-delivered)
CamdenSmoking Cessation (pharmacy-delivered)
This locally commissioned service (LCS), entails the provision of Tier 2 smoking cessation support to help any eligible smoker quit through behaviour change techniques and pharmacotherapy. List of pharmacies signed up to deliver this service is attached to this page.
Eligibility Criteria
- aged 12 years or over, who works, studies or resides in Camden and/or registered with a Camden GP) who is motivated and wants professional help with stopping smoking
This LCS involves (see service specifications for more details):
- weekly contact (a minimum of two face-to-face sessions) over six weeks providing individualised behavioural support and pharmacotherapy
- the support session can involve:
- providing motivation and support
- supplying and advising on the correct use of nicotine replacement therapy
- regular follow-up to reduce lost to follow-up and increase quit rates
- recording of smoking status and confirm continued abstinence using carbon monoxide (CO) monitoring where feasible
- making every contact count by promoting and referring to in-practice stop smoking support through opportunistic assessment
- referral to the GP provided Breathe Stop Smoking service, if outside-pharmacy support is preferred by a patient. The list of GP practices signed up to deliver this service is attached to this page.
- where eligible, refer to the Supervised Self-Administration (Pharmacy-delivered) LCS for drug treatment. The list of pharmacies signed up to deliver this service is attached.
For queries, contact Public Health via ph.lcs@camden.gov.uk.
Visit the Overview of IT Tools page to access appropriate IT smoking cessation tools.
Specification Document
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Camden Pharmacy Smoking Cessation LCS Specification 2024-25
NCL WideAppendices
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Camden Health and Wellbeing Pharmacy Sign-up list
NCL Wide
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Camden Health and Wellbeing GP Sign-up list
NCL WideReview date: Friday, 17 October 2025