Thyroid & Endocrine Surgery: UCLH

NCL Wide

The Thyroid and Endocrine Surgery service at University College London Hospitals (UCLH) comprises three consultant surgeons, a senior medical team, specialist nurses, and a dedicated administrative support team.  

e-RS Advice and Guidance from the service may be useful for such issues as:

  • uncertainty about the need for referral
  • need for/usefulness of tests
  • interpretation of results of tests already performed 
  • medical management queries
  • general advice and guidance about the optimal management of a patient.

Eligibility Criteria


The team diagnoses and treats a range of endocrine conditions, including:

  • thyroid nodules
  • thyroid cancers
  • Graves' disease
  • goitres
  • primary hyperparathyroidism
  • adrenal tumours.


The team does not provide advice for: 

  • sebaceous cysts
  • hernias
  • gall bladders.

How to Refer


Referral methods: e-Referrals

Refer via e-RS

The service accepts two-week wait (2WW) referrals for new or concerning thyroid lumps, and also runs a weekly one-stop thyroid clinic service for these and other suitable patients.

The service also takes urgent and regular endocrine referrals.

How to find service on e-RS

  • Specialty: Surgery – Not otherwise specified
  • Clinic Type: Endocrine Surgery
  • Service Name: Endocrine Surgery Service (RAS) – General Surgery Dept – UCLH


UCLH Thyroid and Endocrine Surgery

Service Feedback

Tally Lazarus - General Manager

Review date: Wednesday, 30 April 2025