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Tuberculosis Service: WH
CamdenThe NCL Tuberculosis Service is for all adults and children with suspected or known tuberculosis (TB). The specialist medical and nursing teams use the latest methods to test and treat people with suspected or known TB.
The aim of the service is to reduce the prevalence of new TB cases, improve outcomes and provide a better patient experience for people with TB in north central London.
The NCL Tuberculosis service has three centres:
- North Middlesex University Hospital clinic
- The Grove Clinic at Royal Free Hospital
- The South Hub at Whittington Hospital
Eligibility Criteria
- adults and children with suspected or known TB, regardless of where they live or immigration status
How to Refer
Referral methods: Email
Please send a referral letter by email:
e: tbservice@nhs.net
Patients can self-refer using the online form (link above).
South Hub at Whittington Hospital
For clinic times, see the South Hub webpage
Service Feedback
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