Sleep Clinic: RFL

NCL Wide

Sleep services at Royal Free Hospital.

Eligibility Criteria


  • aged 18+
  • patients requiring investigation and treatment for:
    • Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
    • Hypoventilation related to Obesity, COPD, Neuromuscular Disease and Chest Wall Deformities


  • Non respiratory sleep disorders
  • Insomnia

How to Refer

EMIS form

Referral methods: e-Referrals

Refer via e-RS

Please complete the Adult Sleep Disordered Breathing Clinic Referral form - Royal Free

All referrals require completion in full of the Royal Free London Adult Sleep Disordered breathing questionnaire. Please include patient height, weight, oxygen saturation levels and Epworth Sleepiness Score with referral. 

How to find service on e-RS

  • Specialty: Sleep Medicine
  • Clinic type: Sleep Apnoea/Sleep Disordered Breathing
  • Service name: Sleep Referral Assessment Service (RAS) - Royal Free Hospital - RAL

Where to find the form

  • Barnet: BAR Global Documents > Referral Forms (BAR Global)
  • Camden: Camden Global Documents > Respiratory
  • Enfield: ENF Global Documents > Sleep Clinic
  • Haringey: HAR Global Documents > Sleep Clinic
  • Islington: ISL Global Documents > Sleep Clinic

If you have any questions, please email: (Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm)

Service Feedback

Review date: Thursday, 26 June 2025