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REACH Intermediate Care Home Team
IslingtonProvided By

The Islington REACH Intermediate Care Home Team works in collaboration with adults/older people and their relatives/carers to promote health and maximise independence in mobility, communication, work, leisure and everyday activities.
The service comprises a multidisciplinary team, including an occupational therapists, psychologists, physiotherapists, rehabilitation assistants, and speech and language therapists.
The team will work closely with the acute, intermediate, and primary care services, social and voluntary agencies, to provide seamless health and social rehabilitation for clients.
For further information, contact Carole MacGregor:
e: carolemacgregor@nhs.net
The new Integrated Health and Care Front Door Service in Islington is operational as of the Tuesday 1 October 2024.
This is a new health and care model that was developed jointly by Whittington Health and Islington's Adult Social Care Services and is based at 222 Upper Street.
The service is designed to act as a single point of access for all adult social care, urgent community health and hospital discharge referrals for Islington residents.
By creating this single point of access, the service hope to achieve a timelier response to residents' care needs with care plans developed and delivered in a more holistic, multi-disciplinary and coordinated way.
The Integrated Health and Care Front Door Service want to enable residents to live healthy independent lives for as long as possible in their own homes, or the place they call home, and this new model help us towards achieving this ambition.
How does this affect you?
As a GP or a practice nurse the only notable change for you will be the new integrated referral form available on EMIS which combines the existing community health referral forms for District Nursing and the joint form for Community Rehab/REACH Intermediate Care.
The referral form is called Islington Integrated Care Referral Form – urgent community health and it and should be emailed to rapidaccess@islington.gov.uk
All other referral routes for the above-mentioned services will no longer be operational from the 1 October.
Contact the Islington Integrated Health and Care Front Door team if you have any specific operational questions on 020 7527 2299.
Eligibility Criteria
- resident of Islington
- has rehab needs/goals
- willing to participate in rehab in their community.
How to Refer
EMIS form
Referral methods: Email
For the REACH service complete the Islington Integrated Care Referral Form – urgent community health and send to rapidaccess@islington.gov.uk
Where to find the form
- Islington: ISL Global Documents > Community Services
REACH Intermediate Care Team
Calshot Community Care Centre
Service Feedback
Carole MacGregor
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