Personality Disorder Service


The Camden and Islington (CANDI) Personality Disorder Service (PDS) has temporarily moved from Dartmouth Park Unit in Highgate West Mental Health Centre to Margarete Centre in Euston.

The service will move permanently to the new community mental health centre in Lowther Road, Islington in Spring 2024.

Contact details and the referral process will remain the same.

The PDS offers a range of clinical services for patients with a diagnosis of personality disorder in order to improve daily functioning, including input for social care needs.

The service is provided by two multi-disciplinary teams:

  • clinical management by the PDS Community Team
  • evidence-based interventions provided by the Therapies Team.

Evidence-based interventions offered are:

  • mentalisation-based treatment (MBT): improving capacity to understand one's mind and minds of others
  • adapted dynamic interpersonal therapy (DIT): improving experience of relations to self and others
  • dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT).

Consultation to external services is offered by both teams.

Eligibility Criteria


  • age 18-65
  • resident in Camden or Islington
  • meet diagnostic criteria for personality disorder
  • has difficulties in daily functioning, emotional instability and difficulties in interpersonal relationships
  • able to engage in a change-orientated therapeutic intervention.

How to Refer

EMIS form

Referral methods: Email

If the patient is unknown to the Personality Disorder Service, refer to primary care mental health services in the first instance, using the form of the relevant service (Camden or Islington).

If the patient has been known to the Personality Disorder Service in the recent past, or this is a transfer of care for a patient with an established personality disorder diagnosis, refer directly by sending the Personality Disorder Service Assessment Referral Form - Dartmouth Park Unit form to

Referrals will be screened within two weeks and the referrer will be notified of the outcome (whether the patient will be offered an assessment).

Along with various direct interventions, consultation to other services including GPs can be requested using the referral form or by contacting the service to discuss.

Where to find the form

In local EMIS library systems as follows:

  • Camden: Camden Global Documents
  • Islington: ISL Global Documents > Mental Health folder

Service Feedback

Review date: Sunday, 02 February 2025