Occupational Therapy


Occupational Therapist (OTs) in Camden Adult Social Care provide support to Camden residents with a long-term physical health condition, mental health illness, or learning disability to maintain independence and live well for longer.  Any carers' needs and abilities to assist will also be considered. OTs provide support with activities of daily living, such as washing and dressing, and toileting, and accessing spaces in and around the home, such as going up and down stairs, and getting in and out of your property. This support may include:

  • modifying or finding new way of doing a task
  • providing equipment, such as a raised toilet seat, bath board
  • providing minor adaptations, such as grab rails
  • recommending major adaptations, such as ramps, stairlifts

Eligibility Criteria


The Care Act 2014 places a duty on local authorities to offer an assessment to any adult or carer with an appearance or need of support, involving any individual that the person being assessed identifies. An adult or carer may require support to be fully involved in the assessment and an advocate may be required.

  • live in Camden
  • patient/patient's carer aged 18 and over
  • have chronic physical disabilities and/or frail
  • patient needs have been assessed as being eligible for support

How to Refer

To contact Adult Social Care and request a discussion about a patients care and support needs, complete the Camden Adult Social Care Referral Form.

If you are having difficulties completing the referral form, require urgent support, or are concerned about the immediate safety of a vulnerable person, please phone Contact Camden on 020 7974 4444 and when prompted, say ‘Adult Social Care’.

Service Feedback

Review date: Tuesday, 29 July 2025