NHS Volunteer Responders

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Volunteer Responders is a free, flexible, and easy-to-use volunteering programme supporting the NHS and healthcare teams across England, delivered by the Royal Voluntary Service and GoodSAM.

Volunteers are available to support with a range of services. Healthcare teams can refer people for Check In and Chat, Check In and Chat Plus as well as telephone calls. They can also request Pick Up and Deliver support with the delivery of medication, supplies and Community Response support with essential shopping, lateral flow tests and prescription delivery.

Request volunteer support via the website or by calling the service's Support Team.

Support available

Check In and Chat

Telephone support to people who need a chat and some encouragement to improve their mental health and wellbeing.

This service is available for up to 18 weeks, but people can re-refer themselves or the referrer can make a repeat referral after the first period ends.

Check In and Chat Plus 

Regular telephone calls for more vulnerable people. This support will be three calls a week over a six-week period from the same volunteer. People in need of more structured support, who would benefit from the continuity of speaking to the same person, can be referred for this service. This service is available for self-referral.

Community Response

Requests can be made for volunteers to help people with a range of activities, including collecting and delivering food shopping and essential items and/or prescriptions. This service is accessible for up to six weeks and is available for self-referral.

Pick-Up and Deliver 

Volunteers transport medication or small items of medical equipment to people's homes from NHS sites. This activity supports people who have been newly discharged from hospital to home, are waiting for hospital admission or are being cared for on a virtual ward.

Other referrals could include the movement of small items of equipment between sites. (This service can only be requested by a professional referrer such as a GP or other medical practitioner).

Eligibility Criteria


  • vulnerable individuals who are self-isolating for an extended period
  • those who health practitioners and local authorities consider to be vulnerable.


  • individuals with complex mental health problems
  • individuals who are known to be suicidal
  • individuals with severe cognitive impairment
  • referrals for those with drug addiction or alcohol dependency.

How to Refer

Call the support team to make a referral

Referrals can be made by the following health and care professionals:

  • GPs/social prescribing link workers/practice nurses
  • hospital discharge teams
  • community pharmacists
  • NHS 111 and ambulance trusts
  • community health trusts that need volunteer support for patients leaving hospital
  • local authorities.

Volunteers are then instantly matched to local, live tasks through an app on their smartphone.

The contact centre is open seven days a week from 8am-8pm.

NHS Volunteer Responders referrers’ portal

Referrals can be made by visiting the NHS Volunteer Responders website.


Members of the public can request support from volunteers, either for themselves or someone they know (with that person’s permission).

They can request a call by calling the contact centre (8am-8pm, seven days a week). They can also visit the website for further information.

Service Feedback


Review date: Saturday, 22 March 2025