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Ear, Nose & Throat Community Service
IslingtonProvided By

Islington's Community Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) service provides specialist ENT services to the Islington population at community-based clinic locations.
Staffed by GPs with a special interest in ENT, the clinics can provide straightforward services and procedures, such as audiology and telescopic examination of the throat and nasal passages. If, at point of triage, it is felt that the patient requires surgery, the referral will be handed back to the referring practice with advice.
Eligibility Criteria
Aged 16+ and registered with an Islington GP practice presenting with any of the following conditions:
- epistaxis (including recurrent)
- globus, chronic superative otitis media, rhinitis, nasal polyps
- foreign body in the ear
- sinusitis (chronic)
- snoring
- tinnitus
- vertigo
- nasal obstruction
- persistent otalgia
- persistent ear discharge
- unilateral deafness (if sudden onset and not due to wax or infection, patient must attend A&E)
- bilateral deafness in under-50s.
- septal perforation
- patients requiring emergency treatment should be referred to the appropriate service
- sudden onset deafness
- hearing loss not due to wax or infection
- patients requiring an assessment or treatment by a secondary care service will be triaged by the service and, if necessary, handed back to the referring practice with advice
- neck lump
- hoarseness
- dysphagia
- glue ear
- suspected cancer (should a suspected cancer be found during a routine appointment, the service shall discuss with the patient and urgently contact the referrer who will refer onwards)
- foreign bodies in the nose
- bilateral deafness in over-50s (refer to direct access audiology)
- domiciliary visits
- suspected cancer referrals (GP to refer under a two-week wait).
How to Refer
EMIS form
Referral methods: Email
Complete the ICENTS referral form and send to icents@nhs.net
Where to find the form
- Islington: ISL Global Documents > ENT
Bingfield Primary Care Centre
Hornsey Rise Health Centre
Islington Central Medical Centre
West Green Surgery
Service Feedback
Islington GP Federation Patient Advice & Liaison Line (12-2pm, weekdays)
igpf.feedback@nhs.net 020 3859 4959Downloads
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Community Clinic Services
Community commissioned clinics and services within NCL (non funded by Local Authority Borough)Ear, Nose & Throat
Review date: Wednesday, 04 June 2025