Frailty MDT/Hub: Home Visiting Service


GPs can request additional support and/or home visits for Camden patients with frailty and/or complex long-term conditions from Dr Martin Glasser, Consultant Geriatrician from the Health Services for Elderly Persons (HSEP) department at Royal Free Hospital.

Example scenarios where Dr Glasser’s input could be useful include:

  • frail and/or complex patients with long-term conditions
  • complex patients where it would be particularly beneficial to have consultant input, e.g. advanced care planning with patient and/or family.
  • other, e.g. patients presenting in multiple settings, patients struggling to get hospital appointments and/or a clear management plan, where relatives want a second opinion, etc. 

Dr Glasser is available for one session a week to provide this support; the session time can be flexible. He can be contacted at

TREAT HOT-Clinics are still running at RFH. For patients who are likely to need further investigations and able to transfer from bed to chair without equipment, a HOT-clinic review may be more appropriate.

Eligibility Criteria


  • frail and/or complex patients with long-term conditions
  • complex patients where it would be particularly beneficial to have consultant input, e.g. advanced care planning with patient and/or family
  • other, e.g. patients presenting in multiple settings, patients struggling to get hospital appointments and/or a clear management plan, where relatives want a second opinion, etc. 

How to Refer

Sessions can be organised via the Camden borough or neighbourhood multidisciplinary meetings via the RFH TREAT Consultant.

Service Feedback

Review date: Saturday, 26 October 2024