Daily Safeguarding Meeting


The Islington Domestic Abuse Daily Safeguarding Meeting (DSM) is a multi-agency led, fully integrated approach to needs management for victims of Domestic Abuse across Islington Council embedding the DA MARAC process into the LBI Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH).  

The DSM fully replaced the DA MARAC (which previously met monthly in January 2021) and meets each day during the working week in order to address the needs at the time the intervention will have the greatest impact and to maximise victim engagement. 

The project provides a dynamic information sharing and needs management approach, staffed by key agency decision makers who are able to contribute and work cohesively as a multi-agency team.

How to Refer

EMIS form

Referral methods: Email

Complete the Domestic Abuse Daily Safeguarding Meeting (DSM) referral form - Islington and send password protected to marac@islington.gov.uk, or via a secure channel to marac@islington.gov.uk.cjsm.net

Where to find the form

  • Islington: ISL Global Documents > Social Services

Review date: Tuesday, 27 May 2025