Community Matrons


The Haringey Community Matrons now work in the Haringey Proactive Care Team and specifically as part of the Multi-Agency Care and Coordination Team (MACCT). 

As part of the Haringey MACCT, Community Matrons work proactively and preventatively, with adults living with frailty or complex long-term healthcare needs, working to prevent avoidable hospital admissions. 

MACCT accepts referrals and works in partnership with Haringey GP practices to identify those who may benefit from support. Following clinical triage, referrals may be allocated to Community Matrons and or other professionals within the team. 

For referrals to the Haringey MACCT, visit the dedicated service page (see related services).

Eligibility Criteria


To access a community matron, patients must have consented to the referral and be:

  • Aged 16 years or above
  • Eligible for publicly funded healthcare
  • Resident in Haringey or within one mile and have their registered GP in Haringey

Additionally they should have one or more of the following: 

  • At least two co-morbidities and are presenting to their GP or secondary care provider with unstable multiple pathologies which impact on their daily life
  • Be presenting to their GP or Emergency Department with an unstable long-term condition and Whittington Health does not have a nurse specialist to offer support with the presenting condition
  • Be presenting at the Emergency Department or Ambulatory Care Centre and requiring signposting to services to prevent re-attendance
  • Requirement for intensive case management to increase quality of life and minimise involvement of multiple services where clear leadership and care co-ordination is needed by a nurse with advanced skills
  • Be identified via teleconference case finding as needing assessment and/or potential input (intensive or otherwise) by a Community Matron


Patients will not be seen by a community matron if they have social care needs only.

Exclusion criteria also include presentation in the Emergency Department where the underlying cause of the presentation is solely caused by drug or alcohol misuse or an organic mental health condition.

Community matrons will discharge patients in the following circumstances:

  • Patient has mental capacity and refuses to engage with the Community Matron input
  • Needs have stabilised and the patient can now self-manage
  • Patient moves out of the area
  • Patients will not be seen by a Community Matron if they have social care needs only or if interventions can be managed by a service such as District Nursing

How to Refer

EMIS form

Referral methods: Email

Complete the Multi-Agency Care & Coordination Team Haringey Referral Form - Whittington and send to

Where to find the form

  • HAR Global Documents > Community Services 

Review date: Tuesday, 13 January 2026