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Breast Pain Clinic: RFL
NCL WideProvided By

Breast pain alone is not a symptom of cancer (NICE guidelines NG12, 2015) and patients don't need to be automatically referred on an urgent cancer pathway. Breast pain clinics support these patients.
The RFL breast pain clinic provides patients with a consultation and physical assessment. Patients will be given advice and information on symptom management.
Patients with any breast abnormalities will be upgraded to a suspected breast cancer pathway.
To manage at risk patients, complete a breast family history risk assessment, and make an onward referral if required.
Eligibility Criteria
- aged 16 years and over
- breast pain
- no other breast and axilla related signs or symptoms (e.g. lumps, nipple discharge)
- any clinical signs requiring a referral to an urgent suspected cancer breast clinic
- past personal medical history of breast cancer
- patient has implants
- male patients
- pregnant patients
How to Refer
EMIS form
Referral methods: e-Referrals
Refer via e-RS
Referrals should made using the Breast Pain proforma NCL referral form
How to find service on e-RS
- Specialty: 2WW
- Clinic type: 2WW Breast
- Services:
- Breast Pain Symptomatic – Finchley Memorial Hospital
- Breast Pain Symptomatic – James Wigg Group Practice
Where to find the form
- NCL Global Documents > 2WW Suspected Cancer
Finchley Memorial Hospital
James Wigg Practice
Service Feedback
Fiona Casey
fiona.casey2@nhs.netRelated Services
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Review date: Wednesday, 28 May 2025