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Audiology AQP Service: Camden
CamdenProvided By

Patients aged <50
Appointments are provided by Royal Free London and Royal National Ear Nose and Throat. Please refer to via e-Referrals using the Audiology Adult Referral Form – RFH (All sites) or RNTNE Under-50s Referral Form.
Patients aged 50+
Appointments are provided by Royal Free London, InHealth, Scrivens and Specsavers. Please refer via e-Referrals using the Audiology Adult Referral Form – RFH (All sites).
Home visits for patients aged 50+
Appointments are provided by Scrivens. Please email a referral letter to nhshearingcare.scrivens@nhs.net who will arrange a home visit. GPs must ensure that the patient's ears are clear of wax prior to referral.
Contact details
e: rf.audiology@nhs.net
t: 020 7472 6318
e: INL.inhealthreferrals@nhs.net
t: 033 3202 0297
e: customercare@scrivens.com
t: 012 1456 8700
t: 020 7482 4110
Eligibility Criteria
- no ear wax partially occluding or blocking the ear canals (partially occluding wax prevents taking of impressions for hearing aids)
- no abnormal appearance of the outer ear or the eardrum, including middle ear fluid
- no aural discharge or otalgia lasting >7 days in the last 90 days
- no sudden (less than seven days) or rapid (90 days or less) loss or deterioration of hearing
- no fluctuating hearing loss, other than associated with colds
- no noticeable asymmetry in hearing
- no unilateral, pulsatile or distressing tinnitus (e.g. causes sleep disturbance, anxiety or depression)
- no vertigo, including spinning or floating sensations
- no complete or partial obstruction of the external auditory canal.
How to Refer
EMIS form
Referral methods: e-Referrals
Send via e-RS
Complete the Audiology Adult Referral Form – RFH (All sites)
How to find the service on e-RS
- Specialty: Diagnostic Physiological Measurement
- Clinic Type: Audiology – Hearing Assess / Reassess
Where to find the forms
- Camden: Camden Global Documents > Dermatology-ENT-Dental & Ophtalmo
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Review date: Thursday, 10 July 2025