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  • Alcohol Support: Lower My Drinking Online Self-Assessment Tool

Alcohol Support: Lower My Drinking Online Self-Assessment Tool

Upcoming Review — this page is due to be reviewed by Saturday, 20 July 2024. The information shown here may be outdated.

This page provides basic information about a service suitable for self referral. Direct patients to the service provider using the details below.


Both Camden and Islington Public Health have commissioned an online alcohol self-assessment tool and app to support residents to identify if they are at increased harm due to their drinking. The app provides practical advice and support to help residents to reduce their drinking.

These free online resources can be accessed as follows:

Eligibility Criteria


  • Camden or Islington resident

How to Refer


Residents can self refer via the website/app.

Pathways View All

Review date: Saturday, 20 July 2024