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  • NCL summarises prescribing and availability of varenicline and cytisinicline for smoking cessation

NCL summarises prescribing and availability of varenicline and cytisinicline for smoking cessation

NCL Wide

Both varenicline and cytisinicline (Cytisine®) treatments for smoking cessation are prescription only medicines (POM) and have been approved for use within NCL by the Joint Formulary Committee and can be initiated in primary or secondary care.  

Licensed generic varenicline (0.5mg and 1mg tablets) is now available in the UK following discontinuation of the licensed brand Champix®. 

Stock is available for community pharmacies to order via local wholesalers (broken bulk when dispensing can be claimed).

Please discontinue any ongoing prescriptions for unlicensed varenicline and prescribe generic varenicline. Both varenicline and cytisinicline (Cytisine®) have the same mechanism of action and similar efficacy and safety profiles.

The choice between the two medications should be made on an individual case basis and include consideration of availability, cost and patient choice.

Patients attending the Breathe stop smoking service: when a Breathe service user opts for varenicline, Breathe will request a prescription from the person's GP and keep them informed of their patient’s progress.

Please see National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training (NCSCT) generic varenicline briefing for further information.

Information for Camden and Islington:

  • There is a Breathe tier 3 stop smoking intervention and GPs can refer their patients for extended behavioural support (12 weeks+), if suitable for varenicline.

Breathe Stop Smoking

Community evidence-based support to help people stop smoking CamdenIslington
Expiry date: Saturday, 31 January 2026