Universal Care Plan LCS

NCL Wide

Universal Care Plan LCS

The aims of this locally commissioned service are to:

  • improve outcomes for patients (and their carers) in the last years of life, including appropriate signposting or referral to bereavement services
  • ensure that dying patients are supported where possible to die in their preferred place of care (evidence suggests that this is usually their home)
  • reduce the number of avoidable hospital admissions for patients in their last years of life who are nearing the end of life, thus reducing secondary care spend
  • increase the use of Digital UCP for patients nearing the end of their lives.

The LCS requirements are:

  • one-off attendance at a training course about compassionate conversations and creating advanced care plans
  • creating a digital Better/Universal Care Plan, having had and recorded the conversation regarding end of life care wishes
  • review each care plan at least once per year, or ensure that they are reviewed by the community palliative care team (this should result in a decrease in the number of patients dying in hospital).